Thursday, April 21, 2011

Register On Vs Global Register Global Off

| Thursday, April 21, 2011 | 2 comments

At the beginning of its development, by default the global registers in the set of On the
tujuang to give the user ease in learning PHP, so that  users can take / call variable simply by mentioning the name  variables, no matter whether the variable comes from GET, POST, COOKIE,  or SESSION. An example script follows:
Scripts "globalon.php"

   1:  <? Php 

   2:  echo "<form method=GET action=globalon.php> 

   3:  Enter your name: <input type=text name='nama'> 

   4:  <input type=submit name=oke value=kirim> </ form> "; 

   5:  if ($ ok == 'send') { 

   6:  echo "Your name is: <b> $ name </ b>"; 

   7:  } 

   8:  ?>

However, since version 4.3.X and above, then the default value of global register = Off,  so if globalon.php script is run, it will not produce anything.  So for the script to run on register globals = Off, it is necessary   variables to be adjusted as follows:

   1:  <? Php 

   2:  echo "<form method=GET action=globalon.php> 

   3:  Enter your name: <input type=text name='nama'> 

   4:  <input type=submit name=oke value=kirim> </ form> "; 

   5:  if ($ _GET [OK] == 'send') { 

   6:  echo "Your name is: <b> $ _GET [name] </ b>"; 

   7:  } 

   8:  ?> 

 Note the source of the variable, when using the method / POST parameters,

then calling the variables: $ _POST ['nama_varibel'].

 If the source of the variables taken from the variables that brought the Address bar,

for example: http://localhost/modul/globalon.php?nama=Amikom, then writing

variables: $ _GET ['nama_variabel'].

 The syntax of variables such as $ _ENV, $ _GET, $ _POST, $ _COOKIE, $ _SESSION,

$ _FILES And $ _SERVER is also often called superglobal or autoglobal,

means that these variables can walk anywhere, no matter whether the register

global On or Off.


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Blogger Labels: Register,Global,development,user,users,POST,COOKIE,SESSION,example,script,Scripts,method,action,Enter,text,size,Consolas,Courier,Monospace,margin,width,version,_GET,Note,parameters,_POST,Amikom,syntax,_ENV,_COOKIE,_SESSION,_FILES,_SERVER,variables,whether,globalon,nama,kirim,csharpcode,ffffff,kwrd,preproc,html,attr,lnum


Unknown said...

nice blog..
keep posting bro..

nino said...

:D thanks bro

:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))

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