The structure is a collection of data elements are combined into a single unit of data.Each data element is called a field or element structure. Fields can have different data types or, even if the field is in one but still could siakses individually.
Declaration of structure
type1 element1;
type2 element2; member / element of structure
type3 element3;
} nane_object; // identifier that is used to calling structure
type1 element1;
type2 element2;
type3 element3;
.} ;
/ / example struct with the same data type:
struct date
int date;
int month;
int year;
} th;
--- --- or can be written
struct date
int date, month, year;
} th;
struct date
int date;
int month;
int year;
} th;
--- --- or can be written
struct date
int date, month, year;
} th;
/ / example struct with different data types:
struct student
NIM char [10];
char name [25];
char department [2];
float GPA;
struct student
NIM char [10];
char name [25];
char department [2];
float GPA;
example program
/ / program inventory data
# include <iostream>
# include <conio.h>
struct stock {
char name [50];
int Amount;
main ()
court <<"Enter item name ="; cin>>;
court <<"Enter the number of items ="; cin>> stoks.jml;
court <<"";
court <<"------------------------- \ n ";
court <<"";
court <<"Output" << <<"=";
court <<stoks.jml;
getch ();}
# include <iostream>
# include <conio.h>
struct stock {
char name [50];
int Amount;
main ()
court <<"Enter item name ="; cin>>;
court <<"Enter the number of items ="; cin>> stoks.jml;
court <<"";
court <<"------------------------- \ n ";
court <<"";
court <<"Output" << <<"=";
court <<stoks.jml;
getch ();}
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