Did you know that PHP
1. Is a recursive acronym of P HP: Hypertext Prepocessor.
2. First created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994.
3. Must be written in between the tags:
a. Style XLM
echo ”Style XML”
b. Short Style
c. Style SCRIPT
<script language =’php’>
echo ”Style JavaScript”;
d. Style ASP
echo ”Style ASP”
4. Every single statement (command) usually end with a semicolon (;)
5. Case sensitive to the name created by the user identifier (a variable, constants, functions, etc.), but NOT case sensitive to the built-in identifier of PHP. So:
- $haha ≠ $Haha ≠ $HAHA
- calculateArea() ≠ CalculateArea()
- echo = ECHO
- while = WHILE
6. Easy to learn
Say Hello to the PHP
1. Enter this command in notepad or dreamweaver.
<? php
echo "Hello, my name is PHP";
2. Save with the name DocumentRoot hello.php on your computer.
3. Open the browser and then typing http://localhost/hello.php
4. See the results in the browser.
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