Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Data Type & Constant

| Wednesday, April 20, 2011 | 0 comments

Data Type 
In PHP, the variable data type is not defined by the programmer, but
automatically determined by the PHP interpreter. However, PHP supports 8
(Eight) pieces of primitive data types, namely:
1. boolean
2. integer
3. float
4. string
5. array
6. object
7. resource

1. Creating a static variable value to display and save data majors
lat03.php name.
2. Creating a dynamic variable value to display and save data majors
lat04.php name.

   1:  <? Php 

   2:  $ NIM = "09.12.9999"; 


   4:  $ Age = 16; 

   5:  $ Value = 82.25; 

   6:  $ Status = TRUE; 

   7:  echo "NIM". $ NIM. "<br>"; 

   8:  echo "Name: $ name <br>"; 

   9:  print "Age:". $ age; 

  10:  print "<br>"; 

  11:  printf ("Value:% .3 f <br>", $ value); 

  12:  if ($ status) 

  13:  echo "Status: Active"; 

  14:  else 

  15:  echo "Status: Not Active"; 

  16:  ?> 


Constant is a variable whose value is fixed. Constant only rated at

beginning of the program and its value is never changed during the program runs.PHP has

defines some constants, eg: PHP_VERSION, ie constant

provide information about the PHP version being used. In addition to constants that have been

provided by the PHP we also can create their own constants. Writing rules

constants are as follows:

define ("nama_konstanta", "nilai_konstanta")

Examples of the use of constants:

Save with the name "Lat05.php" (Constant static value)

   1:  <html> 

   2:  <head> 

   3:  <title> Using constants </ title> 

   4:  <head> 

   5:  <body> 

   6:  <? Php 


   8:  define ("SLOGAN", "COLLEGE PLACE PEOPLE tie"); 

   9:  print "CAMPUS". CAMPUS; 

  10:  echo "<br> SLOGAN:". SLOGAN; 

  11:  ?> 

  12:  </ Body> 

  13:  </ Html> 



Type Operators Operator Description Example


+ $ A + $ b Added

- $ A - $ b Reduction

* $ A * $ b Multiplication

/ $ A / $ b Division

% $ A% $ b Modulus, residual distribution

Assignment = $ a = 7; $ a is filled with 4


& $ A & $ b Bitwise AND

| $ A | $ b Bitwise OR

^ $ A ^ $ b Bitwise XOR

~ $ A ~ $ b Bitwise NOT

<<$ A <<$ b Shift Left

>> $ A>> $ b Shift Right


== $ A == $ b Same

=== $ A === $ b Identical

! = $ A! = $ B Not Same

<> $ A <> $ b Not Same

! == $ A! == $ B Not identical

<$ A <$ b Less than

> $ A> $ b More than

<= $ A <= $ b Less than equal to

> = $ A> = $ b More than equal to


and $ a and $ b is TRUE if $ a and $ b TRUE

& & $ A & & $ b is TRUE if $ a and $ b TRUE

or $ a or $ b is TRUE if $ a or $ b is TRUE

| | $ A | | $ b True if $ a and / or $ b is TRUE

xor $ a xor $ b is TRUE if $ a or $ b is TRUE, but

not both

! ! $ A TRUE if $ a is FALSE

String. $ A. $ B Merging strings $ a and $ b

Save with the name operator.php

   1:  <? Php 

   2:  $ Salary = 1000000; 

   3:  $ Tax = 0.1; 

   4:  $ THP = $ salary - ($ salary * $ tax); 

   5:  echo "salary before tax = USD. $ salaries <br>"; 

   6:  echo "The salary taken home = Rp. $ THP"; 

   7:  ?> 

Save with the name operator2.php 

   1:  <? Php 

   2:  $ A = 5; 

   3:  $ B = 4; 

   4:  echo "$ a == $ b:". ($ A == $ b); 

   5:  echo "<br> $ a! = $ b:". ($ A! = $ B); 

   6:  echo "<br> $ a> $ b:". ($ A> $ b); 

   7:  echo "<br> $ a <$ b:". ($ A <$ b); 

   8:  echo "<br> ($ a == $ b) & & ($ a> $ b): ".(($ a! = $ b) & & ($ a> $ b)); 

   9:  echo "<br> ($ a == $ b) | | ($ a> $ b): ".(($ a! = $ b) | | ($ a> $ b)); 

  10:  ?> 



Technorati Tags: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Windows Live Tags: Data,Type,Constant,programmer,interpreter,integer,resource,NULL,OUTPUT,PROBLEMS,majors,Name,STMIK,AMIKOM,YOGYAKARTA,Value,Status,TRUE,Active,size,Consolas,Courier,Monospace,margin,width,constants,PHP_VERSION,information,version,addition,Examples,Save,CAMPUS,SLOGAN,COLLEGE,PLACE,PEOPLE,Body,Html,OPERATOR,Operators,Description,Example,Arithmetic,Reduction,Multiplication,Division,Modulus,distribution,Assignment,Bitwise,Shift,Left,Comparison,Same,Identical,Logic,FALSE,Salary,salaries,csharpcode,ffffff,kwrd,preproc,attr,lnum

WordPress Tags: Data,Type,Constant,programmer,interpreter,integer,resource,NULL,OUTPUT,PROBLEMS,majors,Name,STMIK,AMIKOM,YOGYAKARTA,Value,Status,TRUE,Active,size,Consolas,Courier,Monospace,margin,width,constants,PHP_VERSION,information,version,addition,Examples,Save,CAMPUS,SLOGAN,COLLEGE,PLACE,PEOPLE,Body,Html,OPERATOR,Operators,Description,Example,Arithmetic,Reduction,Multiplication,Division,Modulus,distribution,Assignment,Bitwise,Shift,Left,Comparison,Same,Identical,Logic,FALSE,Salary,salaries,csharpcode,ffffff,kwrd,preproc,attr,lnum

Blogger Labels: Data,Type,Constant,programmer,interpreter,integer,resource,NULL,OUTPUT,PROBLEMS,majors,Name,STMIK,AMIKOM,YOGYAKARTA,Value,Status,TRUE,Active,size,Consolas,Courier,Monospace,margin,width,constants,PHP_VERSION,information,version,addition,Examples,Save,CAMPUS,SLOGAN,COLLEGE,PLACE,PEOPLE,Body,Html,OPERATOR,Operators,Description,Example,Arithmetic,Reduction,Multiplication,Division,Modulus,distribution,Assignment,Bitwise,Shift,Left,Comparison,Same,Identical,Logic,FALSE,Salary,salaries,csharpcode,ffffff,kwrd,preproc,attr,lnum


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