Monday, May 2, 2011


| Monday, May 2, 2011 | 0 comments

 basis data, database, basicdo not know about databases? basik data is used to make the program. database is very closely related to sql. BACKGROUND Database processing into the mainstay and its presence is required by the various institutions and companies In developing the required database information system as data storage media The presence of the database can improve company performance and to improve the competitiveness of the company The database can speed up efforts to customer service to produce information quickly and accurately help decision makers to quickly decide an issue based on existing information

Free_Database_Icons, database iconEXAMPLE APPLICATIONS on banking transactions flight reservations and scheduling applications registration process and recording of data on college students application to process the sale, purchase and recording of data on goods trading company recording of employee data and payroll activities including the operation of an enterprise etc..

COMPANY INFORMATION FOR RETAIL ... search sales look for the amount of stock available what is the best-selling goods sold on this month net profit INFORMATION FOR THE LIBRARY ... Data search of books by title, author or other criteria can be easily done with the data base Search borrowers who are late returning data is also easy to do so could be made an application making the invoice based on the information available
Taking advantage of network technologies, the ability of the database can be optimized such inter-branch transactions on an online banking
The database is a collection of data that relate to each other
The data itself is a fact about objects, people and others. Data expressed as values ​​(numbers, sequences of characters, or symbols).
The set of interrelated sets of data are organized in such a way that it can later be used to quickly and easily
A collection of interrelated data stored together in such a way without repetition (redundancy) is not necessary, to meet the needs of
Collection of files / tables / archives related stored in electronic storage media
arrange the data so obtained the ease, accuracy and speed in decision again
The lack of redundancy and data inconsistency
Redundancy occurs when an information is stored in several places.
For example:
NIM containing student data, name, address and other attributes
KHS student data whose contents have NIM, name, mata_kuliah and Value.


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Windows Live Tags: DATABASE,BASIC,CONCEPTS,databases,data,BACKGROUND,mainstay,presence,institutions,information,system,storage,media,performance,efforts,customer,decision,makers,EXAMPLE,APPLICATIONS,transactions,registration,college,students,sale,goods,employee,payroll,enterprise,COMPANY,RETAIL,sales,LIBRARY,author,criteria,Search,borrowers,advantage,technologies,DEFINITIONS,collection,fact,sequences,symbols,repetition,redundancy,PURPOSE,accuracy,TERMS,inconsistency,student,Value
WordPress Tags: DATABASE,BASIC,CONCEPTS,databases,data,BACKGROUND,mainstay,presence,institutions,information,system,storage,media,performance,efforts,customer,decision,makers,EXAMPLE,APPLICATIONS,transactions,registration,college,students,sale,goods,employee,payroll,enterprise,COMPANY,RETAIL,sales,LIBRARY,author,criteria,Search,borrowers,advantage,technologies,DEFINITIONS,collection,fact,sequences,symbols,repetition,redundancy,PURPOSE,accuracy,TERMS,inconsistency,student,Value
Blogger Labels: DATABASE,BASIC,CONCEPTS,databases,data,BACKGROUND,mainstay,presence,institutions,information,system,storage,media,performance,efforts,customer,decision,makers,EXAMPLE,APPLICATIONS,transactions,registration,college,students,sale,goods,employee,payroll,enterprise,COMPANY,RETAIL,sales,LIBRARY,author,criteria,Search,borrowers,advantage,technologies,DEFINITIONS,collection,fact,sequences,symbols,repetition,redundancy,PURPOSE,accuracy,TERMS,inconsistency,student,Value


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